Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brilliant Berbatov

Liverpool vs. Manchester United -- one of the biggest rivalry clashes in present day football. Kicking off at 1:30, I watched the game in an Irish the company of a Chelsea fan. Now, forgiving his team of choice, I actually quite enjoyed the game. United played very well and they did deserve all three points, despite Steven Gerrard claiming the opposite, but did find it a bit disturbing to see them throw away a two goal lead for the third time in the season. We can thank our lucky stars that Berbatov is in the form of his life because Rooney certainly isn’t, and though there have been encouraging displays from Nani, Giggs(as always), Scholes, and Macheda( for the time he was on) United’s own players have started to express their annoyance at their inability to hold on to a commanding lead.


In short United simply don’t have enough quality defenders. Jonny Evans and John O’Shea were clumsy at best and while Vidic is good, he lacks the organizational skills of Rio Ferdinand, leading to teams scoring a lot easier against a more disorganised United defence.
But a high five and thumbs up to Dimitar Berbatov whose outstanding display probably saved the United players from getting the paint peeled of the dressing room walls by a Ferguson hairdryer. Here are Berbatov’s thoughts on his spectacular performance which I found admirably modest considering he had just completed a feat that no United player has been able to accomplish since 1936.

'It was probably my best day in a United shirt,' said Berbatov.
'Obviously I am happy. I am going home with a smile on my face.
'But I am nothing special. I am going home to play with my kids.'

Watch the game's highlights here:

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